Sunday, October 22, 2006

CHAPTER 101: Beza solat Tarawih di Malaysia dengan di Mekkah / Diffferences between solat Tarawih in Malaysia and in Mecca

"Take account of yourselves before your are brought to account."
- Umar Ibn al-Khattab (r.a.)
  • Di Mekkah, biasanya solat Isyak akan dimulakan lambat sedikit (daripada masuk waktu Isyak), untuk membolehkan peluang untuk orang ramai pergi ke masjid dan menunaikan solat Tarawih selepasnya. / In Mecca, the Isyak prayers are done a little further after the actual timing of this prayer, so to let people have time in being ready to go to mosque and following up with the duty of performing the Tarawih prayers.
  • Kalau kat Malaysia ni, so far yang pernah nampak kat masjid macam Masjid Negara & Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, imam yang bertugas merupakan imam muda-muda (hafiz). Kalau kat Mekkah pulak, imam-imam sana of course imam-imam ‘senior’ (yang dah lama bertugas kat situ, atau pun yang ada banyak pengalaman). / What I have seen in mosques in Malaysia such as at the National Mosque or the Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque, the Tarawih prayers are being led by young imams (young hafizs). Different with what at Mecca, the prayers there are led by ‘old’ men, imams who had been there for a long time.
  • Satu perbezaan yang jelas, kalau kat Malaysia, setiap kali lepas habis satu solat tarawih, ada selawat. Kalau kat Mekkah, tiap kali lepas habis satu solat tarawih, tak ada selawat, imam terus bangun dan sembahyang Tarawih yang seterusnya. / A clear difference, that is in Malaysia, after every prayer of Tarawih is finished, there’s the recital of salawat or saying prayers, whereas in Mecca, once every prayer of Tarawih is completed, the imam will rise up straight away and performs the next sets of Tarawih prayers.
  • Sudah tentu, kat Malaysia kalau time Tarawih, sayangnya masjid biasanya tak penuh (sepanjang Ramadhan), terutama sekali masa sepuluh hari terakhir dalam bulan puasa. Beza dengan di Mekkah, masjid sentiasa penuh tiap-tiap malam bulan puasa, lagilah pada 10 hari terakhir (kalau ikut cakap orang yang pernah ada di sana pada hari=hari terakhir Ramadhan). / Unfortunately, the mosques at Malaysia is usually never full during the fasting month, especially in during the last 10 days of Ramadhan. In Mecca, it’s usually always almost or totally full during every night in Ramadhan, more so during the last few days of the fasting month.
  • Dan sudah tentu, sembahyang Tarawih dan beribadat di Mekkah lagi ‘special’, kerana ganjaran pahala dan keistimewaan menunaikan ibadah di situ lebih hebat (daripada mana-mana tempat di dunia) di sisi dan pandangan Tuhan. / And indefinitely of course, performing the Tarawih prayers or any other form of religious duties at the Holy Mosque in Mecca is always more special, since it is being done at the holiest site (than at any other place in the world) regarded in the religion, and more so in the eyes of God.

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